Summer Party Prizes Summer Party Prizes

Summer Party Prizes

December 28, 2022 by Promo Team

Product Number: 739-00

Description: Adventure wagon

Industry:  Hospitality

What it was purchased for:  A large beverage manufacturer used the Adventure Wagon as a display enhancer at a large summer event in Los Angeles. The wagon was branded on both sides, and was filled with giveaway items for partygoers. At the end of the event, the wagon was raffled off as part of a large prize. The Adventure wagon is a sturdy utility wagon with endless uses and a rugged 225 weight capacity.

How it was distributed: Display

Result or ROI: A crowd draws a crowd! Who would not want to see their favorite beverage literally rolling down the street in a COOLER Wagon! The event had more than expected on-site physical engagement and good social media coverage.


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