Referral gift Referral gift

Referral gift

December 28, 2022 by Promo Team

Product Number: 854-00

Description: Circo

Industry:  Finance 

What it was purchased for:  A southern California realtor used the Circo as a thank you gift for referred customers. Each new client referral garnered a logoed Circo board to the individual that referred them. Made of eco-friendly parawood the board swivels open to reveal four stainless steel cheese tools with parawood handles. Over 81 square inches of cutting surface it’s a gift that will be cherish for years!

How it was distributed: Drop shipped to customer

Result or ROI: You would be surprised how giving a nice referral gift leads to more referrals. And having the right item on hand with a high perceived value while still fitting the budget, leads to even more referrals!


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